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International Marketing
In high school did you always love doing PESTLE and SWOT analysis? If so definitely slide into International Marketing’s dms. Participants may be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in any business enterprise primarily engaged in satisfying the desire of people to make productive or enjoyable use of services, at a global marketing perspective. This category could include the incorporation of different forms of businesses used in the international market (e.g. joint ventures, strategic alliances, etc.) So no… International Marketing is not all about how to promote the Big Mac in six different languages!
Skills to Master
Prior Knowledge
Board of Directors Insight
International Marketing requires you to come up with strategies to entry markets overseas. Use your knowledge of international markets along with some creativity to see how your product can dominate the market!
VP Delegate Experience of '17
Length of Case
Numerical Expertise
Creative Ability
Quick Thinking Skills
Case Category
30 Minute
Prep Time
15 Minute
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